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Treasure Hunt Competition

In celebration of our new website we have created a website treasure hunt competition. Enter to win a mystery prize pack to the value of $100!

Mobile Phone

To enter


All entries need to be emailed in, use the subject "TREASURE HUNT" in the subject line (copy the below questions into an email) and send us your answers. You can find out how to contact us via our website. 


Hint: ALL answers can be found on our website





1. Who is the farm consultant? 


2. In what year did Tom Herbert retire?


3. In what year was the Certificate of Title issued? 


4. What date is the 2020 Okapu F2 Trust Annual General Meeting (AGM)


5. Name one of the 2 newest Trustees elected at the AGM in November 2019.


6. What is your name? 


7. Are you a registered owner? YES/NO

If no, how do you whakapapa to Okapu F2 (no more than 20 words) 


8. If you are a registered owner, please provide your postal address so that we can update our share register. 





  • Open to all registered owners, their children and grandchildren who reside in NZ (sorry to our Aussie whanau, the prize is unable to be posted)

  • Prize value = $100.00 

  • Only 1 entry per person

  • Entries by EMAIL only

  • Trustees or employees are ineligible to enter 

  • Competition closes Sunday 31/05/20 and winner will be drawn at the Trustee hui on 07/06/20 and will be video recorded and posted on our Facebook page. 

  • Judge's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.



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