
Kaumatua / Advisory Trustee
My grandparents are Mihaka Hohua(Ngati Hikairo) and Ngarotata Manuka (Ngati Putupo) their daughter Kahumako Herbert(nee Hohua) is my Mother.
Te Rua a uku is our Papakainga which I and my siblings grew up on with our Parents and grandparents. Schooling at Kawhia Primary & Kawhia District High.
I moved to Hamilton met my wife Margaret (Ngati Pikiao, Ngati Rongomai, Ngati Whakaue) who was a nurse at Waikato Hospital. We moved to Murupara and worked in Tasman Forestry and later Fletcher Challenge for 48 years. I’ve worked as a bushman, crew boss, and became a Health and Safety Training Officer, until retirement in 2006.
I have been married for 62 years, we have 7 children, many mokopuna and mokopuna tuarua, tuatoru. My interests include whanau, golf and gardening (we had huge gardens on our whenua Okapu F2 and all us tamariki had to miss school to help). I still retain that interest and wish to see economic benefits for the iwi coming from our farming operation.

I am the eldest child of Patrick and Annie Mahara (nee Apiti) who are shareholders of Okapu F2. My grandparents are Pita and Amy Mahara and Te Kaha and Te Ru Apiti.
I’ve been fortunate to grow up at Okapu, I’ve lived on the farm when Dad was a farm employee and I’ve have also worked on the farm during school holidays earning pocket money, helping dock or in the shearing shed during shearing season. These memories I will treasure forever and one that is my vision for our younger generation, so that they have the opportunity to participate in similar activities to learn and grow on the farm, as these skills will be valuable for our future generation of leaders.
I recall as child during the 80/90s being at the shareholder meetings held at Okapu Marae or at the top shearing shed and listening to all my nannies, koros, aunties and uncles, most of all who have now all passed, speaking so passionately about the whenua and their dreams and visions that they had for the future generation. I wanted to learn more about our whenua and the processes of the management of the Trust so I would attend meetings with mum and dad to learn more.
I’m grateful to now be in this position, where I can help continue the vision of our tupuna to treasure and grow what we have for all shareholders.

Ko Patrick Mahara toku ingoa. I’m one of the newest Trustees to join the team, having been nominated and elected at the AGM held in Kawhia in 2019.
I’ve been fortunate to have grown up at Okapu. As a young child, I recall my parents and all my whanau working in the gardens before school and after school. We used to cut and collect Manuka around the area, which we used for our cooking and heating.
I’ve been fortunate to have also worked on the farm as a General Shepherd for a number of years, during which time my whanau and I lived in the top farm house near the Apiti whanau. This was a great experience that helped me expand my skills in farming and I was able to complete a National Certificate in Agriculture.
I currently work for the Hamilton City Council as a tractor labourer. I enjoy being with my whanau of eight boys, two daughters, son in-laws, daughter in-laws and eight moko. I enjoy new challenges and learning new skills. My hobbies include carpentry, playing guitar and many outdoor activities.
I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and skills I have gained in agriculture to help with our rangatahi as they are our future leaders of Okapu F2 Trust.

Tatana Wete = Tukotahi Moke
Ngareta Rauroha = Ngahiriwa Mahara
David Paraiti Wete = Huatahi Wete (nee Moke)
Elizabeth Raiha Teuira (nee Wete)
My mother, Elizabeth married my father Phillip Te Uira
Kia ora, I’m one of the newest Trustees to join the team, having been nominated and elected at the AGM held in Kawhia in 2019. About 15 yrs ago it was my goal to become a farm manager, where I could share my skills and knowledge with our future generation. I had thought about the Okapu station and it inspired me to carry on farming. The experiences, skills and knowledge I have gained through the years in farming will be a valuable asset for our team of Trustees.
I am motivated to share my skills and knowledge with our younger generation so they can learn and grow in the agriculture sector.
My interests are farming, surfing, fishing, hunting, socialising with family and friends.

Kia ora whanau,
My grandparents on my dad’s side are Tua Hohua and Whakamiri Heu. My father’s name is Lionel (Raiana) Hohua and my mother’s name is Ann (Fitzgerald) Hohua.
My name is Lance Mihaka Lionel Tua Hohua and today I am known as Mihaka. I am married to Raewyn Hohua and together we have 8 children and 17 moko.
I am 60 years old.
I have been associated with Okapu F2 block trust for many years as whanau support attending hui, advisor to the trust developing strategies around policy and procedure changes, to a trustee now in a second term with 2020 being my last year as a trustee.
I have worked in social services from being a coal face worker, social worker / counsellor, through to roles in management and being a lead facilitator of training groups in prison and community, to owning my own service for 17 years, to now working back in mental health as a team leader and supervisor / therapist / facilitator.
On May the 10th 2020 I celebrate 30 years clean from drugs and alcohol and have taken an active role in sharing the word of recovery throughout sobriety.
My interests include working with males both young and matured using a multiple of methods drawn from a western and Maori traditional indigenous approach to developing change in individuals and group work. I also enjoy all the mediums of art and have been lucky enough to have made a living from this in my early days, where as today it is for the wairua.
My driving passion is whanau and the multi fascits that make whanau into what it is for us today, hence that is why, when my uncle asked me to stand as a trustee, I did so straight away for my whanau - those that have been and those that are yet to come.

Tihei mauri ora ki te wheiao ki Te Ao Marama!
Ko te atua to taatou piringa ka puta ka ora.
Me whakahoonore to taatou Kiingi Tuheitia Potatau Te Wherowhero te Tuawhitu me toona whare tapu.
Ngaa tini mate kua rupeke atu ki te pō tiraha, tiraha, whakataa.
Ngaa tini hunga ora teenaa koutou.
Paimaarire ki a taatou katoa!
My mother Lucy Ormsby (Nee Herbert) of Tainui descent was born and raised at Te Ruāuku, Aotea Moana. Her tribal lineage is to Ngāti Patupō, Ngāti Hīkairo and Ngāti Maniapoto. She married my father Michael also known as Mingi Ormsby of Tainui descent. His tribal links are Ngāti Te Waha, Ngāti Paretekawa and Ngāti Maniapoto together they had me, Ko Dion Ormsby tāku ingoa.
My associated marae are Raakaunui on the shores of the Kaawhia Harbour and Mangatoatoa on the banks of the Pūniu awa both sheltered by the majestic Pīrongia maunga.
I have extensive knowledge in the dairy farming sector having worked as a production manager in a local dairy milking shed supply company from 2005 – 2014.
I am a passionate individual about education currently working in the industry with mana whenua in mapping program pathways aligned to their aspirations for education and employment. I believe that with my skill set and contacts within the industry I could contribute to our farm organisation and operation in pursuing farm education opportunities for our whānau, tamāriki and our beneficiaries.
As a newly elected trustee member (2020) I look forward to and welcome the challenge of what It means to be a trustee for our farm and may I say, that it is with honour that myself and our team have this privilege to work for and on behalf of our whānau beneficiaries for the Okapu F2 Trust.
Ngaa mihi Maioha.

Trustees make decisions about the land
A trustee's job is to ensure the provisions of the trust order are complied with and that they act in the interests of all beneficial owners to protect and enhance the land and assets. Trustees determine how to handle new business, make important decisions with a long-term strategy in mind, and generally ensure the land is well looked after.
Guidelines for being a trustee
There are guidelines that trustees have to follow. They should:
know what the trust is responsible for, including what's in the trust order
follow the rules about what a trustee can and can't do (according to the trust order and the law)
represent the land owners and treat all land owners fairly and impartially
protect the assets of the trust
take care not to spend trust funds unnecessarily or without authority – trustees are entitled to payments of expenses if it's in the trust order, but aren't allowed to personally benefit.
Further details about the roles and responsibilities of Trustees, can be found at the Maori Land Court here.