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Special General Meeting Update

Natalie Jessup

The Ookapu F2 Trustees thank all owners and whanau who attended the SGM today in Te Awamutu.

Provisional Results: Secret ballot voting took place for the resolutions today and the owners have voted in favour of the following:

  • That the Ookapu F2 Trust to pay a grant to the Ookapu Marae rebuild project.

  • That notification of Trust meetings can also include advertising by way of social media, email, radio and/or newspaper.

Ballot papers will now be scrutinised by the Returning Officer and any changes to the above will be made known.

The amount of the grant payable to Ookapu Marae for the rebuild project, will be determined by the Ookapu F2 Trust board at their next meeting.

Ngaa mihi Ookapu F2 Trustees.

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