We are pleased to announce that at the Trust board meeting on Sun 21st Feb, it was resolved that Okapu F2 Trust pay a grant to registered owners of $500, to assist with tangihanga expenses.

Details of the grant are as follows:
The grant amount is to a maximum of $500.
Applications must be received within 12 months of the passing of the owner.
Grants are available to cover funeral/tangi expenses of deceased Okapu F2 Trust OWNER'S only.
Spouses / partners or children, and grandchildren of owner's are NOT eligible.
"Owners" refers to Shareholders who have been awarded shares in the Okapu F2 Trust by succession through the Maori Land Court and the list of current owners can be found at the Maori Land Court online.
To obtain an application form:
Please contact us here. Verification of death is required (ie, death certificate, newspaper death notice, or funeral director letter).
This tangihanga grant policy commences from 21/02/2021.